Why do you do what you do? Perhaps you already have in mind some ‘whys’... Over the past few years I’ve become more and more intrigued by this whole ‘why’ question. It took a while for me to uncover mine (more later!) and it does seem to be something we think we know, and yet do we!
How many times have you read about the ‘why’ question as being something to consider and then you put it to one side. How could it possibly have any sort of bearing on your career when, after all, isn’t it solely about making a name for yourself and making more money!
Do you have your ‘Why’ in mind when planning your next career steps?
I believe it’s going to help you if I share a little about how I formed my why, so you can start to consider yours too (and please do comment below if you already know your ‘why’ because I’d love to hear it!)
My story
My story about finding my ‘Why’ began whilst living in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. I was there by choice in 2006 after traveling the world working on board a luxury cruise ship for two years. It was time to settle, and so I started to look for somewhere to live, and after backpacking around South America for 3 months, I fell instantly in love with Rio (for its warmth, fun and friendly faces). I found an apartment to live in and found a job teaching English.
You know, I really felt like I had made it!
There I was living in one of the most exciting cities of the world and, as I was celebrating one night with a beer in hand, looking out of my window at the Christ statue that was on top of a mountain, sun setting, and I congratulated myself and decided to call my Granny back in Australia.
As we chatted about when I’d be back to see her the conversation took a turn, which, I now know, had a life-changing trajectory. It was around the type of work I had been involved in until that point.
She asked me what I would do on my return. And I just said that it would involve hospitality as that is what I’d been doing up until then. Hospitality Management was my career (I’d studied it in Switzerland) and I’d recently been working onboard a very fancy cruise ship called Crystal Serenity - one of the world's best (we’re talking six star luxury!)
And I’ll never forget what my Granny said next.
She said “Genevieve, why would you want to serve those that can serve themselves?”
And that moment changed my life.
Because I realised that she had a very good point. In the months following our chat, the shine of Rio started to dim, like a honeymoon phase being over, and I'd started to notice some very strange, sad things around the social inequality surrounding me.
On the mountain sides there were favella shanty towns which are like illegal settlements for people that want to live close to the city so that they can find work. And in the streets, you see young children, mainly boys, walking around in bare feet and raggedy clothes. They would pick pockets and often carry a little knife to threaten. Very quickly, I learned not to carry money, wear expensive jewellery or have my phone in my hand. I became very street smart there, because there was a dark underside of poverty and a civil war going on between the police and the drug lords between towns.
And I began to question how that could happen in this world of ours?
That's where I started to grow my social conscience and realised that I needed to do something about it. I had to feel like my work would become meaningful and of service but to the community rather than hospitality.
Upon return to Australia, I studied a Master's of Education, specialising in Leadership and Change. Then I found a job at Curtin University, Perth where I was in charge of running a leadership program for the students based on the Social Change Model of Leadership Development.
My purpose in life had landed, as I found my Ikigai (Japanese word for ‘reason for being’) and I now use leadership development in social change.
So what is my why?
It is to make a positive difference for others and to make this world a better place. I’m passionate about helping others lead extraordinary lives with no regrets. And I develop leadership programs to help develop socially responsible leaders who also want to make the world a better place.
Next week I am going to the Inner Development Goals Summit in Stockholm to meet other changemakers dedicated to making this world a better place. Stay tuned for the next blog telling you about it. 🙂
And now your why
Please take a moment to really think about why you want to make an impact in your workplace and career? It will be different to mine. All of our ‘whys’ are different to each other. Based on our life goals and experiences.
And if you have no idea, don’t worry…I didn’t either until my early 30’s!
Your reason for wanting to make an impact will be personal for you, however I’m committed to helping you to find it if you so wish!
How I can help you be ‘more CEO’…
I have a FREE 3-part Masterclass coming up at the end of October, ‘HOW TO MAXIMISE YOUR POTENTIAL TO SECURE A SALARY INCREASE’.

You will be able to show up in your workplace with more confidence, more self belief and proving that you are a problem solver and impactful contributor.
And I'm here to support you and encourage you every step of the way.
Will I see you there?