When people ask me what work I do, I tell them I launch rockets!

Well it’s true…If you can imagine that through the ‘launchpad’ of the leadership program 'Inspiring Teens', we ignite the fire within teens to aim high and get them shooting for the moon. It’s why I called my business Spire – because we aim to inspire youth to aspire for greatness!
“Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars.” (N. Peale)
Let me tell you about a young man named M.
About 5 years ago, M joined a leadership program I was facilitating at Curtin University. When I met him, he was shy, lacked confidence and his body language was very introverted. He almost whispered when he spoke. But there was something in him, where I could see he wanted to step up, but just didn’t have the capability, nor the confidence.
He made it through the competitive interview and followed a similar process that I go through with the Inspiring Teens program.
Firstly, he attended the 4-day camp, filled with interesting and challenging activities which teaches self, team and community leadership skills. By the end of the camp, he had self-selected a project to work on in a small team to solve a real problem for a local non-profit organisation. The team allocated roles, were assigned a Mentor to support them, and had 3-months to deliver the project.
M was the kind of guy who always showed up, worked hard to solve problems and delivered results. He communicated effectively and helped his team mates whenever possible.
It was this exact process that helped to build his confidence and sense of self-worth, and it was him who courageously put up his hand to present the results of the project to invited community leaders at the prestigious Graduation Ceremony at the end of the program.
Because he had all the qualities I was looking for in a Mentor, (trustworthy, reliable and committed), I invited him to become one of only five Mentors, to support the next intake of young leaders.
The following year he won a scholarship to participate in another leadership program in the USA called Global Village.
Several years later I invited him to present his experience to our students and I’ll never forget him coming in because I got goose-bumps. Here stood a tall, strong and confident man, and I could remember when I had first met him as this shy, awkward young man. He now has a job at Ernst & Young one of the world’s largest consultancy firms, and you’d never believe where he came from….
And that’s the power of investing in young people at this age. You can take them from shy, awkward and uncertain, to the kind of person who can stand on a stage, become a Mentor, win international scholarships and get their dream job!
So yes, I’m not exaggerating when I say that I launch rockets.
Watch this video to hear more.
Our next program starts in July school holidays. Sign up your teen today to take advantage of our Early Bird special that expires on June 15. Click here to book.
Contact me, for more information or view the flyer.